Inspire Learning FAQs

Safety and security

What about my child’s security online?

The devices are securely managed and will only have access to apps that we have approved for use in education. Each app will undergo a privacy and a security assessment before being deployed. Even when used away from school, the device will only have access to approved websites.

How will we prevent cyber bullying?

There will be no social media apps on a young person’s device and internet safety is part of the school technologies curriculum. In addition, we are working with Education Scotland to provide the opportunity for further parental workshops on internet safety.

I already am concerned about my child’s screen time?

The Inspire Learning programme is about the constructive use of the latest digital tools to enhance learning, rather than for providing tablet computers for entertainment purposes. What is most important is that parents understand that as part of the programme their child’s iPad will be their designated tool to help them create, connect and learn. It is not about just having a device but how it is used to enhance learning and digital literacy.

See further information and advice on screen-time.

Will it negatively impact on my child’s social development/skills?

No, children and young people will be using the device to work more collaboratively and to work together in groups in the classroom, in the school and across schools on the digital literacy skills which are vital for the south of Scotland. This includes building skills in coding and computational thinking.