Countryside access and rights of way

Countryside ranger service

The current countryside ranger service is made up of:

  • access rangers
  • access officers
  • path wardens

Our main role is to manage the path network by:

We work with local communities to assist with guided walks and activities during:

We also:

To find out about ranger services across Scotland visit the Scottish Countryside Rangers Association.

Path maintenance

We manage the path network in the countryside. Under the Land Reform (Scotland) Act 2003 and the Countryside (Scotland) Act 1967 we have powers and duties to carry out works on the paths.

A duty is something you are obliged to do under law. We have a duty to keep paths open and free from obstruction and to allow people responsible access to the countryside.

A power is something that you have permission to do under law. For example, putting up signs to direct people or installing a boardwalk.

Path maintenance and grants for Community Council areas

Although we manage the maintenance of the path network Community Councils or local paths groups may manage some smaller maintenance in their local area.

If your Community Council or local group undertakes path works there is a small grant that allows you to claim back some of the costs, up to £450.

What you can claim for

  • general path maintenance
  • path improvements
  • grass cutting
  • vegetation removal
  • installation of gates and other infrastructure

When you should claim

You must submit your claim form by the 28 February for work undertaken in the previous year. Details or a plan of the paths that have had work done on them and any receipts must be included with your grant application.

For further information contact the rangers or print out the grant application form.

View Scottish Borders routes and maps Details of the Countryside (Scotland) Act 1967

Ranger service

Address: Council Headquarters
Newtown St. Boswells

Telephone: 01835 825070