SB Cares FAQs


We have a number of current operational issues. How will these be addressed in SBC?

SB Cares Management Team has been out to speak to staff at Staff Roadshows as part of an engagement and improvement plan. Areas identified from this will continue to be delivered with support from our services and as part of key transformational programmes including Fit for 2024.

Will referrals come in the same way?

Yes, but we are keen to improve the quality of information included in the referrals.

Will any services close?

No services will close as a result of the transfer.

Will there be additional money for equipment (staff and SUs)?

The current levels of spending will continue.

Will East Lothian Council continue to take out of hours calls for SBC?

Yes they will, and the contract will be reassigned to us.

Will we have to use the same phone in Homecare?
