Planning application decisions

Decision notice

A decision notice will be sent once the planning permission or other planning consents have been granted. This will include any conditions, informatives and the reasons for refusal or approval.

Find out about a planning decision

You can view or search for a planning application on the public access portal. This will give you details on planning decisions as well as any conditions or constraints.

You can also find out a planning decision by calling Development Management on 0300 100 1800.

If you disagree with a decision you can appeal a planning decision.

How are planning decisions made?

There are two ways decisions about planning applications are made:

  • by the Planning and Building Standards Committee
  • by a delegated planning officer (the Head of Planning and Regulatory Services, Development Standards Manager or the Principal Planning Officer)

The scheme of delegation outlines how each application will be determined.

Public speaking at meetings of the Planning and Building Standards Committee

Applicants, agents, and third parties who have submitted representations on planning applications are allowed to speak at meetings of the Planning and Building Standards Committee. Also, any Member of the Council representing the Ward within which the application lies is allowed to speak.

If you want to speak at these meetings you should read the public speaking procedures.

How are applications assessed?

When making a decision on an application, we must first consider whether the proposal complies with national planning policies as laid down by the Scottish Government, and local policies set out in the local development plan.

View or comment on planning applications

Development management

Processing of planning applications, and advice on the need for planning permission

Address: Council Headquarters
Newtown St. Boswells

Telephone: 0300 100 1800