Major developments

Major developments are those exceeding thresholds set by the Scottish Government. These are set out in more detail in Planning Circular 5 of 2009. Developers may request a pre-application screening opinion from us where they are uncertain whether the proposal falls into National or Major category.

For applications falling within the category of major development, there are specific requirements regarding submission of Proposal of Application Notices, application timings, and the carrying out of pre-application consultation. Large developments include any proposal whose site area exceeds two hectares or is listed in Schedule one of the Environmental Impact Assessment (Scotland) Regulations 1999, as well as proposals involving:

  • the erection of 50 or more houses
  • business applications where the area of any buildings exceeds 10k square metres
  • an electricity generating station of 20 or more megawatts capacity
  • waste management facilities exceeding 25k tonnes per annum capacity or more than 50 tonnes per day sludge treatment
  • transport or infra square metres may also be considered major. Contact us for further guidance in such circumstances

Pre-application consultation

Planning applications for Major developments require pre-application consultation (PAC) to be carried out between developers and communities. The developer must submit a Proposal of Application Notice to us at least 12 weeks before the application for planning permission is submitted. This will need to set out the extent of consultation that will be carried out, and must be agreed by us before the consultation begins. Once complete, a copy of a pre-consultation report must be submitted with the application.

Making a comment on pre-application consultation

You can search for and view the Proposal of Application Notices received register which is updated whenever we receive a new notice. Any comments about the development during the pre-application consultation stage must be made directly to the developer, not us.

Comments can be made to us if a planning application is submitted at the end of the pre-application consultation process.

Development management

Processing of planning applications, and advice on the need for planning permission

Address: Council Headquarters
Newtown St. Boswells

Telephone: 0300 100 1800