Applications affecting the historic environment

Developing a proposal and submitting an application

To help you de-risk the process of gaining consent, and facilitate as smooth a running as possible we strongly advise that sufficient information is provided to understand the special interest of the heritage asset(s) affected, the impact of proposed works and any justification necessary.

The agent putting forward an application should ensure that there is sufficient information to fully understand the proposal, its details and its heritage impact. This will vary depending on the nature of the historic place and the nature of the proposal. In addition to the general submission requirements on our website, we would expect the following to be provided:

  • relevant existing and proposed drawings (plans, sections, elevations) with relevant annotations at 1:50 or 1:100 scale
  • more detailed drawings illustrating proposed alterations to features (doors, windows, railings and other elements). Please note our dedicated supplementary planning guidance on replacement windows and doors
  • current photographs of the site and any areas particularly affected by the proposals
  • supporting evidence to uphold assertions made where appropriate (structural report)
  • a proportionate Heritage Statement which could be integrated into a wider document where appropriate. This may not be required on very low-impact and small scale proposals

Advised content of a heritage assessment

  • identification of any relevany heritage designation(s)
  • relevant proportionate history of the heritage asset(s) in question
  • a statement of the special interest of each relevant heritage asset, articulating its special architectural and historic interest
  • a brief description of how the proposals have been developed to conserve and enhance this special interest (avoiding harm, minimising harm and taking positive opportunities to enhance in heritage terms)
  • assessment of heritage impact
  • clear and convincing justification for any harm in heritage terms (including options analysis where appropriate)

The level of detail should be proportionate to the heritage impact of the application, for example, small applications could comprise of a short outline, whilst largers schemes with major heritage impacts will require a more detailed document. Depending on the nature of the heritage asset and proposals, it may not be necessary or appropriate to address all the points above.

Generally, the higher the level of impact, the greater the level of justification necessary, for example, the tests for the demolition of a listed building are a high bar and there is specific guidance provided on this on the Historic Environment Scotland website.

You can download our diagram which is a helpful tool when developing your proposals with regards to the consents process.

Development management

Processing of planning applications, and advice on the need for planning permission

Address: Council Headquarters
Newtown St. Boswells

Telephone: 0300 100 1800

Heritage and design team