Jedburgh Campus

Educational facilities FAQs

How will nursery, primary and secondary children be introduced to the new campus?

We have carried out tours of the campus site already for some pupils, with further planned before the campus opens.

Since the closure of Parkside Primary last summer, Parkside and Howdenburn pupils have been educated at the Howdenburn site and the current Grammar School, giving the children the chance to get to know each other before the move to the campus.

How are the classrooms set up in the new campus?

It is a mixture of open plan and traditional classrooms which provides flexibility for learning for pupils, and for community groups who will use the spaces.

Will the public be able to access educational facilities during school time while children are in class?

The campus is a facility for the whole community to use. The booking system will take into account the needs of all users to manage educational priorities while enabling community use of facilities.

How will access to the campus be managed?

The front main entrance to the campus is open for all. However, from this area there are secure entrances into educational sections of the buildings for children and staff.

There will also be separate access doors for each learning group, nursery, primary and secondary children.

What will be the toilet arrangements in the campus?

Individual toilets will be used in the new campus to maintain privacy.

This design is in common with other community campus buildings across Scotland.

How have you ensured safe travel to the new campus?

A Jedburgh Grammar Campus travel plan has been created, in consultation with the local community, parents, school pupils and local residents.

It aimed to ensure the campus would be safely accessed, and included significant road improvements which were carried out in summer 2019.

These improvements were:

  • the boundaries being turned into a permanent one-way towards Waterside road
  • build outs created to help slow down traffic
  • a new crossing point being built
  • a new traffic light controlled crossing on Oxnam Road

What are parking arrangements at the new campus?

One of the main themes of the travel plan is to encourage active travel to the site, by either walking, cycling, scooter or park and stride.

There is some parking for staff, visitors and buses at the campus with an overspill car park on the former Parkside Primary site.

The total number of spaces will be 62 plus five disabled spaces. 

Will access to the community facilities by members of the public be monitored?

The building will be staffed throughout its opening hours.

Will pupils be using the library at the same time as members of the public?

Pupils will be able to access the community library while being supervised by teachers. However, there will also be opportunities across all of the learning spaces for young people to read books and research materials for their classwork.