Berwickshire Area Partnership meetings
How to get involved
Anyone can get involved in Berwickshire Area Partnership, which is chaired by Councillor Jim Fullarton and meets five times a year across the Berwickshire area.
As a Berwickshire resident, you can find out more about the issues that are affecting your locality and give the Partnership your views on how we and our Community Planning partners can provide better services in your locality.
Check the Berwickshire Area Partnership meetings schedule to find out when and where the next meeting is taking place.
For further information contact the Democratic Services Officer online or by phone 01835 825004.
Recent activity in Berwickshire Area Partnership
- Forthcoming meeting on 1 June
- Agenda for 30 March meeting
- Agenda and draft minutes for 9 February meeting
- Agenda and draft minutes for 1 December meeting
- Agenda and draft minutes for 1 September meeting
- Agenda and draft minutes for 9 June meeting
- Agenda and draft minutes for 3 March meeting
- agenda from meeting on 27 January (interim meeting notes below)
- agenda and draft minutes from meeting on 16 December
- agenda from meeting on 2 December (cancelled due to Storm Arwen)
- agenda and draft minutes from 2 September meeting
- agenda from meeting on 1 July
- agenda and draft minutes from 20 May meeting
- agenda and draft minutes from 22 April meeting
- agenda and draft minutes from 4 March meeting
- agenda and draft minutes from 17 December meeting
- agenda and draft minutes from 3 December meeting
- agenda and minutes from 6 February meeting
- agenda and minutes from 5 September meeting
- agenda and minutes from 6 June meeting
- agenda and minutes from 2 May meeting
- agenda and minutes from 7 February meeting
- agenda and minutes from 6 December meeting
- budget discussion output from 6 December meeting
- agenda and minutes from 6 September meeting
- Place discussion output from 6 September meeting
- agenda and minutes from 7 June meeting
- health, care and wellbeing discussion output from 7 June meeting
- agenda and minutes from 15 March meeting
- economy, skills and learning discussion output from 15 March meeting
- agenda and draft minutes from 1 February meeting
Interim meeting notes from Berwickshire Area Partnership on Thursday 27 January
Place Making
A community proposal to form a Place Making Working Group to make recommendations on the development and implementation of Place Making in Berwickshire was approved. The working group will comprise of 6-8 members with an additional 2-3 Councillors and will report to future Area Partnership meetings.
The Area Partnership was introduced to Sharon Renwick in her new role of Place Planning and Regeneration Officer.
Common Good consultation
The Area Partnership were informed of the work being done to review the Common Good registers and confirm Common Good assets.
Jim Clark Rally
The Area Partnership received a presentation on the routes the rally will use in Berwickshire with an opportunity for discussion afterwards.
Community Assistance Hub
Partners highlighted concerns that have been raised during the community partner meetings around the social welfare of Berwickshire householders and the current pressures householders face, including rising utility and food costs and some of the activity partners are undertaking to help support householders.
Build Back a Better Borders Recovery Fund
Berwickshire Marine Reserve were awarded £15k for staffing costs to help increase their capacity to deliver training programmes and events in 2022. The programme of activities is intended to help local people and visitors learn about the coastline and how to help protect it.