School meals

Primary meals

Primary school menus have been designed and developed to meet the 13 food standards and 14 nutrient standards of the healthy eating in schools guidelines. Meals are nutritionally balanced to provide them with the energy and nutrients they need to develop and grow. The aim is to build life-long healthy eating habits.

Primary school menus

In line with new guidance each main meal contains two portions of vegetables and is a daily choice of:

  • Soup with a sandwich, vegetable sticks and dessert
  • One of two hot main course options
  • Grab five packed lunch (Friday only)

Dessert is a choice of:

  • the daily dessert served with sliced fruit (home baking available three times a week with Fruity Tuesday and Thursday)
  • fresh fruit
  • yoghurt served with sliced fruit

Drinks are a choice of:

  • freely available water
  • milk 

If you would like more information on the school menu and the recipes we use please speak to your school cook or contact the Food and Nutrition Coordinator on


The current price of a school lunch is £2.64.

Menu options

A sample menu is available to view online. Menu details can be found when booking via ParentPay.

Allergen and ingredient information is available online or by contacting

Some schools follow the normal menu but at different times. This applies at the following schools:

  • Ayton
  • Coldingham
  • Reston
  • Swinton
  • Westruther
  • Yetholm
  • Kirkhope
  • Philiphaugh
  • Sprouston
  • St Margaret's

Special diets

We aim to cater for pupils who have special diets for medical reasons. If you need to register your child as having a special diet then please ask the school office for the Special Diet Requirement Form. Once the neccessary paperwork has been received the Catering Nutritionist will be able to advise on options available. In addition to medical requirements, the special diet process covers vegan diets. If your child follows a vegan diet then please ask the school office for a Special Diet Requirement Form.

For a copy of dairy free, egg free or gluten free menus please contact or your school.

Contact School Catering