Report an issue with trees, grass, weeds and other vegetation

Using this form

Use this form to report an issue with trees, grass, weeds and other vegetation

Do you have a MyScotBorders account?

Sign in (opens in new window) to be able to track your report.

This form times out after 20 minutes inactivity, but if you sign in the information you've entered will be saved and you can return later to complete it. 

Find out more about the benefits of having an account and how to register (opens in new window).

You can find out what we do with your information on our website (opens in new window)

Dangerous Situations

Don't use this form if the issue is presenting an immediate and critical hazard to users, for example:

  • a tree blocking a road, footpath or access to property
  • fallen on to a property or vehicle
  • large branch has broken off or is hanging off the tree
  • rocking at the base (roots are damaged)
  • snapped or blown over
  • uprooted but held up by another tree or building

Instead, check our opening times (opens in new window) and call the most appropriate number:

  • Customer Advice and Support on 0300 100 1800
  • Emergency out of hours on 01896 752111.