- Allotments
- Animal enquiry
- Apply for a boarding licence
- Apply for a Council Tax Disabled Band Reduction
- Apply for a Council Tax discount or exemption | Occupied property
- Apply for a Council Tax discount or exemption | Unoccupied property
- Apply for a dangerous wild animal licence
- Apply for a licence to sell animals as pets
- Apply for a Long Term Empty Council Tax reduction
- Apply for a performing animal licence
- Apply for a rehoming animal licence
- Apply for a riding establishment licence
- Apply for a Tied Accommodation discount
- Apply for a venison dealer licence
- Apply for an animal breeding licence
- Apply for an animal welfare establishment licence
- Apply for Fresh Start Relief
- Apply for litter picking kits
- Apply for single occupancy discount
- Apply for Small Business Bonus Relief
- Business property for sale or rent enquiry
- Cemetery, burial and memorial enquiries
- Charitable relief review form
- Civic space enquiry
- Comments, compliments or suggestions
- Communications and Marketing enquiry
- Community Care Grant - Review
- Community safety enquiries
- Contact 'Just Cycle' team
- Contact a Councillor
- Contact Access Team or Walk it Coordinator
- Contact Archaeology, Ecology or Heritage Team
- Contact Building Standards
- Contact Development Management
- Contact Domestic Abuse Service
- Contact emergency planning
- Contact employment support service team
- Contact Fostering and Adoption Team
- Contact Human Resources (HR)
- Contact Justice Services
- Contact Payment Services
- Contact Planning and Building Standards Enforcement
- Contact Planning Policy and GIS
- Contact Social Work adult services
- Contact the assessor
- Contact the equipment service
- District Heating Relief application
- Dog enquiry form
- Easter Langlee roundabout enquiry
- Education Maintenance Allowance - Appeal form