
We provide a wide range of information about windfarms, including a database of all wind energy proposals in the Scottish Borders. We also produce maps showing where they are located.

The database and maps include information on:

  • all wind energy planning applications, including those we are currently considering or have refused
  • wind energy applications which are decided by the Scottish Government (known as Section 36 applications)
  • screening and scoping opinions, which we provide before larger windfarm planning applications are submitted, to indicate what level of environmental assessment is required

Nearby large scale wind energy developments in neighbouring authorities are also included where these are known.

Our data can also be viewed using our interactive web mapping tool.

Guidance for Berwickshire wind energy developments

Specific guidance applies to wind energy developments in the Berwickshire area. Our Landscape and Visual Guidance for Single and Groups of two or three Wind Turbines in Berwickshire SPG was approved by the Planning and Building Standards Committee in December 2013 and is a material consideration for any related planning application.

The guidance was last updated in January 2015 to take account of subsequent turbine approvals, and identifies cumulative impact issues which would need to be addressed.

Download windfarm database and maps Download guidance for Berwickshire wind energy developments

Development management

Processing of planning applications, and advice on the need for planning permission

Address: Council Headquarters
Newtown St. Boswells

Telephone: 0300 100 1800