Sustainable Transport Dynamic Purchasing System

Interested in joining Dynamic Purchasing System?

In January 2019, the Scottish Borders Community Planning Partnership implemented a Sustainable Transport Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) for the procurement of transport services with an expiry of 2029.

These included:

  • home to school
  • special and additional needs
  • social work transport

This was the result of the previous framework agreement expiring and taking into account operator feedback.

Why be part of the DPS?

  • the DPS offers more flexibility as it allows operators to join or leave at any time during its validity
  • participation in the DPS opens up opportunities for you to bid for future CPP contracts up until its expiry
  • the process for participating has been simplified with the inclusion of an operator guide offering step by step instructions for your assistance

There are currently 4 lots within the DPS:

•    Lot 1: taxi with up to eight seats
•    Lot 2: accessible vehicle able to carry one to four wheelchairs
•    Lot 3: minibus with 9-17 seats
•    Lot 4: bus with over 17 seats

How do I join the DPS?

We have further information for anyone interested in joining the DPS or contact our Passenger Transport team

Passenger transport

Address: Council Headquarters
Newtown St. Boswells

Telephone: 0300 100 1800