Fit for 2024 Staff FAQs

Current reviews

Why are we reviewing Social Work and Fleet first?

Because we believe these areas have the most immediate opportunities to make changes and have some significant challenges requiring action.

Why Social Work?

  • There are significant changes in the demands and expectations of clients, carers and families across all social work services.
  • We know we can provide clients with better access to information and services.
  • To tackle issues on a family basis with less separation between children and adult services.
  • Make use of digital services such as could staff use tablets to save time?

Why Fleet?

  • We have a huge amount of aging fleet and we need to invest in new plant
  • We are aware that some of our fleet is not in the best condition, spends a lot of time in the workshop and needs replacement.
  • The aim is to reduce our fleet overall and use it in a much more efficient way.