Local Action Group

About the Local Action Group

Thank you for your interest in becoming a LAG member. We hope this list answers your questions about what’s involved in serving on the LAG and how the process works.  The LAG network operates in all local authorities across Scotland and plays an important role in the development of our local communities by ensuring that projects are delivering on local need.

What is the Local Action Group (LAG)?

The LAG is a group of people from local communities, business and the public sector who work in partnership to try to improve life in the Borders. The LAG was first formed under the EU LEADER programme and its cross-sector approach is being taken forward. The majority of LAG members come from community organisations or from businesses (including rural sector – farming, fishing, forestry etc.). The LAG seeks to be as representative of the local communities as possible and actively tries to recruit people from seldom-heard groups.

How does the LAG try to improve life in the Borders?

The LAG works with the Scottish Government and others to attract funding to the Borders. The LAG makes decisions on how to distribute the funding received to projects tackling local needs, including commissioning its own projects. The LAG puts forward its own views to the Scottish Government and rural networks.

How do you become a member of the LAG?

Whilst relevant public sector organisations are invited to send representatives, all other members must apply to be LAG members. It’s particularly important that the LAG has a mix of private, public and third sector members, so that all areas of Scottish Borders life are properly represented. The application is a simple form  that asks about your relevant skills, knowledge and experience. The recruitment process is ongoing, so there are no deadlines.

What does being a LAG member involve?

In short, LAG members agree to work to improve life in the Borders by overseeing the running of grant programmes, identifying local issues and seeking solutions and donating their knowledge and experience.

Amongst activities LAG members will be asked to do are attend meetings (virtual/physical), impartially assess and score funding applications and put forward their opinions, knowledge and experience. Training will be provided on this. Time required to be a LAG member is likely to be the equivalent of 2-8hrs/month.

Are LAG members paid?

No, membership is voluntary and unpaid. Expenses can be provided for activities carried out on the LAG’s behalf.

How long can you be a LAG member?

There is no minimum or maximum time limit to membership. While we appreciate that members can have unforeseen commitments and may need to leave, we would prefer that you undertake to join and contribute for at least a year.

How many people are on the LAG?

Currently there are eight members but the ideal number would be between 15-25 people.

Why should I or my organisation be interested?

The LAG provides an opportunity for individuals and organisations both to influence decision and funding spend locally but also to feed in-to the national community-led local development movement and to the Scottish Government Rural agenda.

How do I apply?

Contact the LAG Chair, Hans Waltl, or the LAG Staff Team for a chat or application form.