How do I apply for a building warrant

Do I need a building warrant

A building warrant is usually needed to:

  • build
  • alter
  • extend
  • convert
  • demolish

You can visit the Scottish Government Building Standards webpage for more infonformation.

Even if a building warrant is not required, the work should still meet basic quality and safety standards. 

If you carry out work that requires a building warrant without first obtaining a warrant, you are committing an offence and you may be liable to a fine of up to £5k.

If your unsure if you need a building warrant, you should seek professional advice. We can also provide a pre-application advice service and letter of confirmation service.

Do I need to do anything else before I start the work?

Planning permission

In many cases, both planning permission and a building warrant are needed. See our what needs planning permission webpage for more information.

Health and Safety Executive

If you are having construction or refurbishment work done, you may need to notify the Health and Safety Executive (HSE).

Water and waste water services

You should apply to Scottish Water for a public water supply, waste water services and where it is desired to discharge a trade effluent into a public sewer, for a trade effluent consent.

Septic tanks and treatment plants

If the works involve the installation of a septic tank, treatment plant or equivalent, you should register this with SEPA.

European Protected Species

All bats found in Scotland are classed as European Protected Species under the Conservation (Natural Habitats, & co.) Regulations 1994. Contractors and building owners must be careful not to affect bats, or their roosts, when they are carrying our building works. Find more information on the Scottish Natural Heritage website.