How do I apply for a building warrant

What happens after we receive your application

Once we've received and registered your building warrant application, we will contact you by email or in writing to acknowledge its receipt and:

  • give you a unique reference number
  • confirm details have been recorded on the Building Standards Register 
  • give a target date for a first response to your application

Your application is also allocated to a case surveyor who looks after your application. Contact information for your case surveyor is on all correspondence we issue.

Checks on your application

Your application will be checked to ensure it:

  • contains enough information about the proposed design and construction
  • complies with the Building Regulations
  • complies with relevant local and regional policies
  • includes suitable supporting information, including certification
  • contains enough information to undertake inspections on site

Depending on the nature of the proposals, various consultations, some statutory, are held with interested parties and bodies prior to approval being recommended.

First response

After the initial assessment, the following outcomes are possible:

  • If your application fully complies with the Building Regulations, we will issue a building warrant
  • If your application needs revisions, the case surveyor will issue a first report detailing all the outstanding points to you or to your agent


The Surveyor will contact you or your agent advising if changes are required or additional information is needed. This process continues until the work in your application fully complies with the Building Regulations, or the application is refused.

Approved applications

Once the Building Warrant has been approved, you will receive a Building Warrant document, stamped approved drawings and a Construction Compliance and Notification Plan (CCNP) outlining when you should notify us to allow us to inspect the building works. You may start works as soon as you receive your approved building warrant and you should notify us when the works commence. When the works are complete you should submit a Completion Certificate.

If you start without a building warrant, you are committing an offence.

Invalid applications

If the plans, specification or application submitted are not suitable, the application will be considered invalid and will not be registered or processed. You will be informed that your application is invalid and what is needed to validate it.

Building standards

Address: Council Headquarters
Newtown St. Boswells

Telephone: 0300 100 1800