Easter Langlee - landfill and waste transfer station

Latest news

January 2019

The new waste transfer station is progressing well, with the facility due to open in 2019 to coincide with the closure of the landfill site.

Watch its progress

July 2018

A series of road improvements have successfully been completed on the C77 road, as agreed in the planning consent for the waste transfer station.

These works included:

  • localised widening of the C77 at key locations to accommodate large vehicles
  • improvements to existing signage
  • removal of trees and vegetation to improve visibility
  • extension of existing street lighting from the north of the Persimmon access to the start of the 30mph speed limit just south of the waste transfer station access junction
  • geometric improvements to the C77/waste transfer station access junction

Following the road improvements, we have now commenced with the main contract works on the new waste transfer station site.

Over the last five weeks we have been undertaking earthworks to prepare the site for construction. The earthworks have been completed ahead of programme due in the main to the prolonged dry weather we have experienced this summer, enabling us to now start the piling works.

The piling works are required due the varying ground conditions on site and are mandatory to support the new building frame and slab.

Piling works will commence on Monday 16 July and due to the number of piles, approximately 400, will take three weeks to complete. During this period there will be an increase in noise levels but we will endeavour to minimise and keep within permissible levels. Noise checks will be carried out during the works to ensure the threshold is not exceeded.

November 2017

The application for a waste transfer station at Easter Langlee was considered and approved by the Planning Committee on Monday 6 November.

We will now work to deliver the scheme in line with the planning application, which includes a package of road safety improvements.

The project team will also continue to liaise with local residents to ensure they are kept up to date with the project, which is anticipated to see the waste transfer station become operational during winter 2018/19.

We will also ensure that repairs works to the nearby Lowood Bridge next year are co-ordinated with other nearby roadworks planned by partners in 2018.

September 2017

Starting on Monday 25 September 2017 until approximately the 3 November 2017 we shall be capping an area on the southern side of Easter Langlee landfill site, adjacent to the area we capped in 2016. In preparation for these capping works taking place we have been using a 360 excavator to shape the contours on the landfill. 

We continue to take measures to minimise any odour escape, but please be aware that there is an increased risk of odour during profiling and capping works. Once the capping is complete we will be able to install additional gas wells which will maximise gas extraction and reduce the risk of odour.

After the capping in 2016 we relocated the odour control unit to the area next to the waste disposal area in order to maximise its effectiveness. During the capping works the unit shall be moved and we will do our best to locate the unit to where it will have the most impact. Once the capping is complete we will relocate the unit adjacent to the waste disposal area.

We continue to use birds of prey on the Landfill to deter birds on the Landfill. In high winds, when the birds cannot be used, we use fireworks and audio devices.

August 2017

Following the refusal of the application for a waste transfer station at Easter Langlee by the Planning Committee in April 2017, officers considered all the options available to mitigate the road safety issues previously raised, in addition to those which were already included in the initial application.

As a result, a new planning application has been submitted for the same site. Planning Reference 17/01149/FUL: view oue Waste Transfer Station Planning Application

To comment online you must register on the public access portal. It only takes a couple of minutes and will also allow you to track applications and save searches.

We are confident we can progress a waste transfer station at Easter Langlee before the landfill site reaches its capacity in 2018, and are also confident it can meet its obligations ahead of the landfill ban in 2021.

April 2017

Our Planning Committee voted 5-2 to refuse the application for a waste transfer station at Easter Langlee due to concerns with the C77 access road.

We will now consider its options ahead of the 2021 ban on waste going to landfill.

January 2017

Following the successful Public Exhibition held in September 2016, the project team have being working over the subsequent months to develop the plans and proposal taking into account all feedback received from members of the public and other statutory consultees during our pre-application consultation.

We are pleased to confirm that progress to close the landfill has reached another significant millstone with the submission of our Full Planning Application for the proposed new Easter Langlee Waste Transfer Station.

View our proposed Waste Transfer Station Planning Application and supporting documentation - Planning Reference 16/01417/FUL

The full planning application was submitted in January 2017 and is now in the consultation phase. If you wish to make comments of objection or support for our planning application while it is open for consultation please do so by either of the following.

To comment online you must register on the public access portal. It only takes a couple of minutes and will also allow you to track applications and save searches.

Once registered, please follow the steps below:

  • log in to your account Select 'Search>Planning>Simple search' and find the application you wish to comment on
  • on the right side of the page select 'Make a public comment'
  • enter your comments
  • select 'Submit'

To comment by post, please write to the following address and include the following:

  • date
  • name and address of the sender
  • reference number of the application
  • address of the site
  • your comments

    Planning and Regulatory Services
    Scottish Borders Council Headquarters
    Newtown St. Boswells
    TD6 0SA

Any comments you submit will be published, along with your name, and will be available for inspection and to be copied by any interested party.

We have completed the latest phase of capping on the landfill. The capped area has increased our gas extraction on the site and the additional wells were connected up to the gas collection network in December. If you visit the recycling centre you will pass the recently capped area on your left, just as you approach the recycling centre. We are working to relocate the fence to the top of the newly capped area, and once we have done this we will install the odour control unit at the higher level, to maximise its impact.

September 2016

Plans for a Waste Transfer Station at Easter Langlee near Galashiels will go on display to the public on Thursday 29 September. The proposed design of the facility will be available to view from 3pm-8pm in the Blue Room at Langlee Community Centre, with members of the public able to provide feedback and ask any questions about the project. The consultation event is part of the pre-planning notification process for the waste transfer station, which is required before a planning application for any large development can be made.

Councillors decided in August last year to close Easter Langlee landfill site when it reached its capacity, which is expected to happen in 2018. We have since been developing plans for a new waste transfer station at the same site.This will enable onward transfer of waste for treatment once the landfill is closed.

Councillor Gordon Edgar, Executive Member for Roads and Infrastructure

“The plans for a waste transfer station are important due to changing legislation which led to the Council deciding to close the landfill site at Easter Langlee. The project team has already met with resident groups close to Easter Langlee but we would encourage members of the public to come along to this consultation event to see the plans and ask Council officers any questions they may have about the project. After the public exhibition, the aim is for the full planning application to be submitted next month, and if approved the waste transfer station is expected to open in 2018.”

August 2016

Over the last few months we have been working to deliver the next phase of capping. We are going to cap along the southern edge of the site, the section that runs along the edge of the access road to the community recycling centre. Our contractors are scheduled to start the works at the end of August and if all goes to plan they will take approximately 6 weeks to cap the planned area. If weather conditions are difficult this could take longer. Once the cap has been installed our gas contractors will install additional gas wells and connect these to the site’s pre-existing gas collection system.

June 2016

We are progressing with works to close the landfill and we have submitted the pre-application notification for the proposed new Easter Langlee Waste Transfer Station. This is the first stage of developing the planning application which we plan to submit in late August/early September. Further information on this stage of the planning process for major developments is available.

View our proposed waste transfer station pre-application.

The pre-application notification covers information on the consultation that is planned. This consultation will include meeting with local community councils and local resident representatives, and holding a public exhibition. During these events we will be sharing the designs of the facility and there will be opportunity for feedback to be given prior to the formal application being submitted.

April 2016

We have started using the new haul road which is enabling us to get up to the higher levels of the landfill and work towards the next stage of capping. We are currently reviewing tonnage inputs and site profiles to determine which areas we can cap next. We are continuing to operate the odour control unit during operational hours and have a falcon on site 5 days/week.

January 2016

Heavy rainfall meant that we needed to disconnect one of the gas capture lines on the landfill site in order to install extra water pumps within the landfill site.

When rain water dropped to a safe level in the last week of January we immediately reconnected the gas well.

This period of disconnection could have resulted in a small increase in the risk of odour events during this time.

In December we observed an increase in bird numbers at the site. We have therefore increased the days that a falcon is on the site to reduce these numbers.

October 2015

We completed capping an additional area on the western side of the landfill site.

The gas infrastructure in this area was then redrilled to maximise gas extraction

The amount of gas being extracted from the site has increased since this extra gas infrastructure has been in place, reducing the risk of odour. In addition to the capping works we also constructed a new haul road that vehicles will be able to use to access the upper levels of the landfill site. This will allow us to maximise future capping areas in the site.

August 2015

We decided the landfill site will be closed when it reaches its current capacity. A project will take place to build a new waste transfer station at Easter Langlee.

When the landfill site closes, this transfer station will accept the waste that the landfill site used to accept.

This decision was made in the light of changing legislation, and the termination of a contract for a waste treatment facility at Easter Langlee.

Waste and recycling

Address: Council Headquarters
Newtown St. Boswells

Telephone: 0300 100 1800

Trade Waste

Address: Trade Waste
Neighbourhood Services
Council Headquarters
Newtown St Boswells

Telephone: 0300 100 1800