Upholstered domestic seating

How householders can dispose of upholstered domestic seating

Community Recycling Centres

We now have strict guidelines on how we manage upholstered domestic seating at our CRC sites and have limited storage space for this type of waste which must be kept separate from other waste types.

All CRC sites with the exception of Easter Langlee will now only accept upholstered domestic seating when they are booked online.  There will be limited slots available each week.

  • if bringing in upholstered domestic seating to Easter Langlee using a large vehicle/trailer, these will still be required to be booked online.
  • Bean bags, floor and sofa cushions do not need to be booked in.  Please tell the site attendant that you have these items and they will direct you to the correct disposal area.

You must ensure that any upholstered domestic seating that has incurred damage, been torn or broken is covered to prevent release of fibres. e.g. a tear can be covered using tape, broken cushion can be placed within a sealed bag.

To make a booking please use the Trailer, large vehicle and upholstered domestic seating CRC booking form.

Bulky Uplift

There will be no change at present to the current bulky uplift services with the exception of you ensuring that any upholstered domestic seating that has incurred damage, been torn or broken is covered to prevent release of fibres. e.g. a tear can be covered using tape, broken cushion can be placed within a sealed bag. Staff will have the authority to refuse your items if they do not meet these guidelines.

Kerbside Collections

As the regulations state that upholstered domestic seating is kept separate from all other waste where it is reasonable and feasible to do so, do not dispose of these items in your recycling or residual waste bin.