Policies contained within our plans must be monitored, reviewed and based on up to date information so that they are robust and justifiable. We do this by managing a number of key datasets and research projects.
Employment land audit
The employment land audit is produced annually to monitor the supply, take up and status of employment land within the Scottish Borders. The audit assesses the availability, range and choice of marketable sites and locations for businesses with a variety of size and quality requirements.
Housing land audit
We undertake the Scottish Borders housing land audit annually to identify and monitor the established and effective housing land supply. This helps us ensure there is enough supply of effective land in the Scottish Borders. The 2021 audit was finalised in March 2023, however minor corrections were made in May 2023 to some of the figures. As a result, a revised finalised version of the audit has been uploaded.
Town centre and retail survey
The town centre and retail survey monitors town centre vacancy rates, vitality and viability to inform future decision making within the Scottish Borders. The survey is undertaken twice a year and its results inform future decision making.
Scottish vacant and derelict land survey
The vacant and derelict land survey is undertaken annually to establish the extent and state of vacant and derelict land in Scotland and the amount of land that has been rehabilitated since the previous survey.
The main purpose of the survey is to provide a national data source to inform the programme of rehabilitation and reuse of vacant and derelict sites.
Town centre footfall
Town centre footfall surveys are carried out annually to monitor changes in pedestrian footfall, a key indicator of town centre vitality.
Village services audit
The village services audit identifies changes in key service provision within the settlements of the Scottish Borders. The primary purpose is to monitor service provision for our smaller settlements to ensure their retention and possible enhancement within the longer term.
A loss of rural services may result in a reduction of the local economy, sustainability and the attractiveness of the area.