A sponsored Fun Dook at Spittal Beach, Berwick-upon-Tweed has raised an impressive £4,397 on behalf of two of our learning disability support services.
Around 40 service users, parents, carers, staff and friends braved the elements on 30 March to show their support for the friends of Lanark Lodge in Duns and Rutherford Square in Kelso.
A considerable amount of planning went into making the event the success it was with a small committee of service users, parents and staff holding regular meetings. After the suggestion had been made to undertake some type of fundraiser and the challenge set, the support and enthusiasm from all those involved was contagious. The amount of time, energy and commitment from the group was clearly evident in both their enjoyment of the day and the total amount raised.
The funds will now be divided evenly between the two settings and arrangements made for service users to meet and decide how they would like the money spent.
Service User, Ryan Luke
“I liked it. My mum, my sister and her friend did it too. I was in the beach wheelchair, and it was really cold. Once was enough but I’d do it again next time.”
Anne Hill, Parent and Secretary of the Friends of Lanark Lodge and Rutherford Square
“It was a wonderful turnout and experience. I definitely faced my fears. After such lovely support and feedback, we’re now looking at making this an annual event so watch out for more great news from us this time next year.”
Councillor David Parker, Executive Member for Health and Wellbeing
“This is a fantastic achievement and many congratulations and thanks to everyone who took part, not only for their bravery on a very chilly Saturday morning, but also for all their fundraising efforts which has resulted in such a generous donation.”
More information
- Images are available on our Flickr page.
- Lanark Lodge and Rutherford Square are two of the four learning disability support services provided by our Adult Social Care team across the Borders. The others are Katharine Elliot Centre (Teviot and Liddesdale) and Green Gardens (Tweeddale). The Eildon service is provided by Cornerstone, an independent provider commissioned to deliver the service in Galashiels. They each provide a blended model of building based, outreach and home day support for individuals with a learning disability. You can find out more on our learning disability pages.