A consultation is to be held on proposals to reprovision the Night Support overnight care service in a person centred approach through use of Assistive Technology.
The service would be supported by a Rapid Response Team who would be on hand locally to respond to alarm activations. The day service will also be extended to run from 6am to 12pm (instead of 7am to 10pm).
Agreement to hold the consultation was given at the Council meeting held on 15 December 2022.
Month long pathfinder pilot held in Tweeddale
The proposals are the result of a recent review of the service which included a month long pathfinder pilot held with service users in the Tweeddale locality.
This concluded that while the Night Support Service was provided by five staff teams, one in each locality across the Borders, the provision of Assistive Technology/TEC solutions such as alarms, movement sensors, bed sensors and door activation monitors meant that in many cases a physical visit was not required. In others, support could be provided by a dawn (6am) and twilight (10-12pm) shift, which also prevented unnecessary disturbance through the night.
Consultation to be launched in early 2023
Following the success of the pathfinder, the Council will now seek feedback on plans to reprovision the service across the region. The intention is to write to all existing Night Support Service users in early January to both ask for their feedback on the proposals and to explain what the changes could potentially mean for them. A public consultation will be also be launched so as many viewpoints as possible can be taken into account.
Engagement will held be with staff likely to be affected by the proposals. They will be offered suitable alternative working arrangements if required, as there are no plans to lose any staff through this process.
Councillor David Parker, Executive Member for Health and Wellbeing
“The pressure on care services nationally is being felt across the Borders and this is likely to increase. Continuing with current models of delivery is not sustainable with new approaches and service delivery models needing to be found that will deliver more efficient and effective care, whilst maintaining safe and good quality services.
“The outcome of the pilot in Tweeddale revealed that the changes worked well for service users, who found that the alternatives were equally effective in providing them with the support and reassurance required. Families and carers were also supportive with no complaints or concerns having been raised.
“I would encourage anyone with an interest in the service to take part in the consultation when it goes live in the new year. All feedback is welcomed so we can make a well informed decision as to the next steps for this service.”
More information
- A report on the findings of the consultation will be taken back to Council prior to any further re-provisioning work being undertaken. A full Integrated Impact Assessment (IIA) will also be completed.
- A copy of the report is available in the meeting papers for Council 15 December 2022.
- The launch of the consultation will be publicised through a range of communication channels.
- Assistive Technology/TEC has the ability to provide essential support using a person centred approach. It gives increased choice and sense of control to service users, improves service user safety by providing constant monitoring rather than a time-limited face to face visit and allows for an immediate response in the event there is a serious concern with a service user in need of urgent assistance. Solutions can include items such as alarms, movement sensors, bed sensors and door activation monitors.