Tackle Money Worries with NHS Borders App

Published: 25th July 2022

Money Worries app
Money Worries app

The effects of the cost of living crisis and the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic can have a detrimental impact on our physical and mental health and wellbeing.

These are tough times, but support is available.

NHS Borders, working with ourselves and Third Sector Partners launched, the free NHS Borders Money Worries app in March 2021, which can help alleviate some of the stress and worry caused by financial concerns.

The app contains a digital directory with information about support services available nationally and locally in the Scottish Borders. The user-friendly directory is divided into four key areas: Money, Health, Housing and Work, and covers a variety of topics including advice on energy saving, debt, and health problems and disabilities.

Fiona Doig, Head of Health Improvement for NHS Borders

“Money worries at the best of times can cause stress which may lead to anxiety and affect our mental and physical health as well as our relationships at home and at work. We know that these sorts of worries are increasing in our communities as we live through the cost of living crisis and continue face the challenges of the Covid-19 pandemic. We hope our app can provide support and act as a signpost for those struggling to access the relevant support services.

“Times are really tough right now and if you are worried about money, please download our NHS Borders Money Worries App. This will give you access to quality assured information and sources of support. If you know someone who is struggling with money, please share this with them.”

Councillor Robin Tatler, Executive Member for Communities and Equalities

“There are a number of reasons that individuals and families may find themselves experiencing poverty, whether it’s through low income, unemployment, ill health, an unexpected change in circumstances or some other factor outwith their control. The impact of the pandemic continues to bring challenges with an increasing number of people facing hardship during some quite difficult times. Whatever the reason, it is important for people to know that help is available from a wide range of organisations.

"We hope that they find the NHS Borders Money Worries App to be an easy and accessible way to access this important and much needed support.”

More information

The app can be downloaded by searching for NHS Borders Money Worries App on either the Apple App Store or Google Play Store.

Health and social care staff in supportive roles are also encouraged to download and keep this app so that they can use the resource as a helpful signposting tool for their service users who may be looking for advice or help.