Consultation to be held on social work non-residential charging policy

Published: 17th September 2021

We're undertaking a review of the Social Work Non-Residential Charging Policy and holding a consultation to get views from a range of stakeholders on a number of proposed changes.

The policy explains how we work out what people should pay towards the cost of their non-residential local authority-funded care and support, based on their ability to pay. This does not include personal care, which is free.

The review is required to make sure that we are able to meet the increasing demand being place on health and social care services in a way that ensures anyone with an assessed need can continue to receive a service.

Eight changes are being considered

There are eight proposed changes being considered:

  1. charging policy: rewrite the policy to make it easier to understand
  2. financial assessments: introduce a single financial assessment to ensure everyone using services provided or purchased by us is assessed equally and with improved transparency
  3. extra care housing average charge: introduce an average charge for extra care housing complexes
  4. sheltered housing average charge: introduce an average charge for housing support delivered in sheltered housing complexes
  5. improve direct payment rate: change the way the hourly rate is worked out and also link it to the Scottish Living Wage
  6. improve short breaks rate: link the rate to the residential costs set by the Scottish Government each year
  7. taper rate incremental increase: change the taper rate from 70 to 75 percent
  8. meals at home (frozen meals): link the rate to the national contract for community meals (the Apetito Scotland Excel Contract)

More information about the proposals is available in the consultation documentation on our website

For a copy of the charging policy for 2020-21 and to find out more about the way in which we currently charges for health and social care services, see our website

Take part in the consultation 

The consultation is open from Friday 17 September to Sunday 17 October.

You can complete the survey online or if you prefer, get a paper copy or easy read version from:

  • email:
  • phone: Customer Advice and Support on 0300 100 1800

Councillor Tom Weatherston, Executive Member for Adult Wellbeing

“Our annual review of the way in which service users contribute towards the cost of their care and support helps us to make sure our charging policy is applied in as fair and equitable way as possible. 

“I would therefore encourage anyone with an interest in the policy to take part in the consultation so we can have as much feedback as possible before making any final decisions.

“Should anyone like more information or have particular concerns about the proposed changes, we would ask them to contact Customer Advice and Support Services on 0300 100 1800 for advice.”

Next steps

We will consider all responses received before making a decision on whether to make a recommendation to elected members that the changes are introduced. Any agreed changes would commence in April 2022.