Local development plan two

Main Issues Report

The first key stage in the preparation of the new Local Development Plan (LDP2) is the publication of a Main Issues Report (MIR). The MIR will identify the key planning issues for discussion and will be the main consultation stage in the preparation of the LDP2.

Call for sites

We are carrying out a call for sites as part of the preparation for the MIR. The MIR is a front runner to the new LDP2 and its purpose is to set out the key planning issues for discussion within the Scottish Borders, including consideration of sites submitted via the call for sites process.

Who can submit a call for sites request?

The call for sites process invites land owners, developers, agents or any other interested parties to submit proposed sites for consideration.

What needs to be included in a call for sites request?

All site proposals must use a separate Pro Forma for each site and be accompanied by a Location Plan, clearly showing the site boundary.

Pelase note that the Supplementary Guidance (SG) on Housing has not yet been approved by us and therefore at this point in time the sites which will form part of the SG are unknown. The only sites which may be included within the finalised SG are the preferred or alternative options as identified in the Draft SG. Land owners/agents for the preferred or alternative options may wish to discuss this matter and gain advice from Planning Officers.