Health and social care integration

Complaints about the IJB

You can make a complaint about the Scottish Borders Integration Joint Board (IJB). This could be about:

  • IJB action
  • IJB lack of action
  • IJB standard of service
  • IJB‘s policies
  • IJB’s decisions
  • the administrative or decision making processes followed by the IJB in coming to a decision

Complaints provide us with valuable information that we can use in terms of how we fulfil our responsibilities.

Our aim is to resolve any problems and prevent the same problem happening again. It will help us to improve how we do our work by learning from complaints.

Complaints about health or social work adult services

If your complaint is related to either our health or social work adult services you will need to make your complaint directly to:

Contact us

If you have any comments, suggestions or wish to make a complaint about the IJB, contact Customer Advice and Support Services or: 

  • NHS Borders Feedback and Complaints Team    
  • Borders General Hospital, Melrose TD6 9BS
  • phone: 01896 826719                                                  
  • email:          
Download IJB Complaints Handling Procedure

Customer Advice and Support Service

Address: Council Headquarters
Newtown St. Boswells

Telephone: 0300 100 1800