Domestic abuse

Support for men who are experiencing abuse

There are a number of organisations offering practical advice, information and emotional support to male victims of domestic violence, as well as to concerned friends, family and frontline workers. It can be very difficult for men to tell anyone that they are being abused by a female partner. Often men are worried that they will not be believed or seen as weak if they say they are being abused.

Abused Men in Scotland (AMIS)

AMIS is a national organisation based in Scotland dedicated to supporting men who are experiencing or who have experienced domestic abuse. Calls are welcome from men in need of support and advice and from men and women seeking help for male friends or relatives. You can contact them as follows:

  • tel: 0808 8000 024
  • Monday, Wednesday, Friday: 12pm-3pm
  • Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday: 7pm-10pm

Men's Advice Line

The Men's Advice Line provides support for male victims of domestic abuse. You can call them on Freephone 0800 801 0327 or visit their website for more information.

Respect Phoneline

The Respect Phoneline service works with domestic abuse perpetrators, male victims and young people. Their confidential helpline offers advice, information and support to stop abusers being violent and abusive to their partner. You can call them on Freephone 0808 802 404 or visit their website for more information.


If you are frightened or in danger, please call 999. Do not retaliate, it's not safe for you or your partner.

Get help if you are suffering from domestic abuse

Domestic Abuse Advocacy Support Service

9am to 5pm Monday to Thursday 9am to 3.45pm Friday

Address: Public Protection Unit, Langlee Complex, Galashiels

Telephone: 01835825024