Improving the Cancer Journey

Improving the Cancer Journey (ICJ)

Scottish Borders Improving the Cancer Journey (ICJ) is a new service being delivered by Scottish Borders Health & Social Care Partnership and Macmillan.

It’s free and available to anyone living in the Scottish Borders who is newly diagnosed with cancer.

How can the ICJ service help me or someone I know?

You’ll be offered a meeting with a dedicated ICJ Worker to discuss what matters to you. 

You can talk about how you feel, what help you need with housing, money worries, help at home or other practical needs. Your ICJ Worker will then work with you to help you get the information and support you need, when you need it.

The aim is to provide you with tailored information and advice that will include referring or signposting you to organisations, resources, opportunities or services near you that could be of benefit. 

Some of the things we can help you get support for are:

  • emotional concerns
  • financial/money worries and benefits advice
  • housing
  • caring responsibilities
  • reducing feelings of isolation and loneliness by linking in with opportunities near you
  • physical concerns
  • complementary therapies
  • day to day practical issues

How do I make a referral to the service?

Anyone can make a referral and we also accept self-referrals.

Further information?

If you would like more information, please contact the team:

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