Grant Funding for Community Projects

Expression of Interest - Frequently Asked Questions

I have a project that needs funding, should I submit an Expression of Interest (EOI) form?

  • Do you have a clear understanding of what your project is?
  • Do you have a complete budget for the project?
  • Have you considered whether your project will require planning permissions?
  • Have you identified evidence of need and demand?

If your answer is yes to the above questions, you can submit an EOI.

If you answer no to any of the above questions, you can email

What happens after I submit my EOI form?

Once your EOI has been sent, a member of staff will contact you to confirm receipt of the EOI.

It usually takes around 3 weeks for the EOIs to be reviewed internally. Following this, you will receive an email or telephone call to discuss your application and next steps.

If the project meets the criteria of one of the funds administered by ourselves, you will be advised of the application process.

If I submit an EOI form does that automatically mean my project will receive funding?

Submitting an EOI does not mean that your project will be guaranteed funding.

The purpose of this form is to let us and partner services know what you need and to help Officers match your request to the funding opportunities that may be most relevant to your project. These may be funds administered by ourselves or independent grant funds.

What if there are no suitable funding streams for my project when I submit my EOI?

If officers cannot identify suitable internal funding to support the project, they will do their best to advise you on external funds.  Officers may send you details of these external grant providers for you to follow up independently.  For projects where there may be potential funds available going forward, your EOI will be placed in a pipeline to await suitable funding.  Officers will get back in touch with you should potential funding be identified.

If I have submitted an EOI, do I also need to submit an application?

Yes. If you are linked into a funding stream, you will need to complete a full application for the specific fund. You can, however, use the detail written in your EOI to complete the application form.

Why is there a delay in the progression of my EOI?

If you do not supply sufficient information on your project for Officers to identify a suitable funding stream, your EOI may be delayed. When submitting, please ensure you consider:

  • What you want to achieve through your project
  • Accurate expenditure and amount required for the project to go ahead
  • Planning permission status
  • Detail on match-funding
  • Evidence of need or demand for your project

What is the difference between Capital and Revenue funding?

Capital funding can be used to purchase assets, either new or the significant refurbishment of existing assets. These are expected to have “wider community benefit” and to have an expected lifespan of at least 5 years.

Revenue funding can be used where there is no lasting asset. Revenue funding covers operating expenses, such as wages, or rent, as well as funding to put on events, performances and activities.

For example:




New seating and/or tables for halls



New gardens, allotments, orchards, community farms, etc.



Significant repairs to the structure / fabric of any permanent building, including items such as drains, roofing, windows, floors, rewiring, insulation, solar panels etc.



Professional fees for creation of documents, e.g., feasibility studies, business plans, architect’s drawing/plans, etc.



Creating social opportunities that help to prevent isolation and loneliness e.g., a lunch club or day centre.



Activities that support and encourage volunteering



Transport to a specific venue to carry out an activity, e.g., sailing, climbing wall, artificial ski slope



Running costs for a group that puts on positive activities, e.g., venue hire, office/printing costs, transport, staff costs