Sport and community lets appendix one

Dear Club,

We would like to welcome you back to our facilities in order for your club members to enjoy taking part in physical activity.

This page provides guidance between us (facility owner) and the clubs operating from the facility to ensure a joint commitment towards members and staff operating in a safe environment.

Thanks for your continued support and co-operation during these challenging times and we look forward to continuing our strong partnerships in the future.


  • the reopening of our facilities for physical activity is due to commence in August 2021
  • the facility operator will engage with the club at the earliest possible opportunity to discuss planning towards the resumption of sporting activity


  • all Clubs must appoint a COVID-19 Officer who must attend online training by Sports Scotland, no booking will be accepted without confirmation that each club has this in place prior to first booking. If your booking is not sport related, the training provided by Sports Scotland still provides valuable information on new records required due to COVID-19
  • the facility will inspect the condition of equipment and identify areas/equipment for deep cleaning
  • the facility will identify with the club any high traffic touch points around the facility
  • the club will submit their risk assessment and plans for maintaining physical distancing for the activities they will be delivering. No booking can be accepted without a risk assessment
  • the facility will prepare guidance and signage for users covering hygiene, cleaning, and health and& safety
  • the facility will remove any unnecessary equipment and items from the facility and surrounding area


  • the facility will liaise with the club to ensure they have processes in place for maintaining an accurate record of attendances complying with Scottish Government guidance
  • the facility will have a clear, ongoing hygiene and cleaning plan in place for all fixed and moveable equipment


  • review regularly with the club that the physical distancing, hygiene, safety, and risk assessment measures that are in place are adhered too

Facility procedures

  • next to entry point to the facility, we will place a table for sign in, a hand sanitiser will be in place and all members must use this before making their way into the facility
  • hand sanitiser will be in place and all members must use this before leaving the facility promptly
  • signage will be displayed in the entrance area to reinforce hygiene and safety protocols
  • currently changing rooms and showers are unavailable however, there will be a designated toilet available
  • any club equipment must be handled and cleaned by club members only
  • staff member will be updated on any additional COVID-19 specific first aid advice
  • spectating is discouraged, where attendance of a parent/guardian (non-participant) or a carer for a disabled athlete is required, it should be limited to one per athlete where possible, with physical distancing strictly observed while watching the sessions